Tag Archives: Horse Brass Straps

Protection from Rural Superstitions.

Brasses to Protect the Horse.

English Draught Horse Brass Straps.

English Draught Horse Brass Straps.

English Horse Brasses and straps adorned the English draught horses from early days. Draught horses were the working horses throughout the British Isles and the heavy horse breeds were vital to the agricultural and transportation industries and the wool trade.

Draught Horses wearing the brass straps.

Draught Horses wearing the brass straps.

As important as the horses were, it is thought that horse brasses were originally used as amulets or charms to keep the animals safe from evil and wicked people. Charms were used in the early superstitious Celtic days and up until the Industrial Age. The brasses were pressed out of metal and then attached to a leather strap harness that fit between the horses’ neck and front legs. The designs were simple representing the sun, moon and geometric shapes and religious symbols.
Cast brasses began to appear in 1825 and the emblems represented on the brasses became more complicated. These harness decorations moved from the amulets usage to the decoration of horse parades and shows. Brasses were used to commemorate events important to the English people, such as coronations.
Nowadays, they are used as decorations in homes and pubs. When in England, we often see them in areas around the fireplace surround or along the timbered ceilings. They look good in equestrian décor. At the holidays, you could tie them on packages, give them as ornaments or decorate a tree. They can be used as a pendant at the base of a necklace.
We have a generous supply from our last trip to England; enough that you can dig through the basket and find one for yourself or to give as a gift. You can’t beat the price of $3 each!

A sample of our large selection of brasses.

A sample of our large selection of brasses.

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Filed under Knowledge/History of Antique Item

Fresh Inventory from England.


We’re Sleuthhounds for You: Tracking Down the Best.


Majolica and French Furniture

We’ve unloaded the latest shipment from England and the store is full of great finds and affordable English antiques. Even though we’re a small store, we think we’ve captured the warm and inviting atmosphere of the English midlands. We buy what we like and what “fits” our look: English Country Manor House. We’ve branched out and tried some different types of antiques and the response from our regulars has been overwhelming positive! We feel that the store looks better than ever, full of an eclectic assortment of quality antiques.

We’ll be blogging about some of our recent discoveries, but we wanted to share some photos of the fresh items with you before they disappear to new homes here in Missouri. We hope you will enjoy seeing them as much as we have enjoyed

sleuthing to find them.


Mustard and Jam Pots, Salts


Horse Brass Straps


Austrian Hunting Trophies

Carved Triangle Gateleg Table

Carved Triangle Gateleg Table



Stools and Footstools, Barley Twist Gateleg Tables


Glass Bottles and Pottery
Philip hanging the Pig "Welcome" Sign

Philip hanging the Pig “Welcome” Sign

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